
2021-09-27 10:56:32 waishichu 422


ode of September-- Three Excellent works by students

Shuangliu Arts and Sports School in Sichuan Province  






The willow Green, The waves vast.


Sail starts from school,  drift away with the wind.



 --- by Yang Liu Literature Club of Shuangliu Art and Sports School


泱泱华夏The Great State of China

满目盛世 Prosperity wherever you see

七十周年 the 70th anniversary

星河璀璨The stars are shining bright


佳作赏析  the Appreciation of the Excellent Works


盛世中华Prosperous China

2 018级3班 周静 / 指导教师 易正洧

By Zhou Jing from Class 3, Senior 3/ Instructor --- Yi Zhengwei

崛起 Rise Up


“No nation’s prosperity is preordained. It must be earned.”In 1949, a new regime was established in our war-torn, divided and impoverished land, and a new China was born.



How can this impoverished country grow fast? How can we make a better life for our people? How can we gain prosperity in the east of the world?


Our forefathers made great contributions to the prosperity of our country. In the early 1950s, an army of 110,000 road builders marched into Tibet, armed not with steel guns but with hammers, drills and pickaxes. With their own flesh and blood, they cut a path across the precipice of the roof of the world. Deng Jiaxian, who has been living incognito for 28 years, has dedicated his lifelong work selflessly to his country and its nuclear weapons development. And Qian Xuesen, Qian Sanqiang, Guo Yonghuai, Cheng Kaijia, Nan Rendong, Huang Danian... in the past 70 years, batch after batch of outstanding scientists, they gave up superior research conditions in foreign countries, they gave up fame and glory to hide their names, unsung dedication, they made the Chinese stand tall.


 Pay Tribute to the martyrs, pay tribute to the heroes, “As you wish,this prosperous time comes!”



Over the past 70 years, the Chinese nation has made a great leap from standing up and becoming rich to becoming strong.


Today, we have a strong and incomparable confidence.“Fuxing”train leads the world with the speed of 350 kilometers per hour.And in China,the latest and most beautiful words are everywhere,  the latest and most beautiful pictures are everywhere. After all the hardships, efforts, we are able to achieve such an achievement, it is not easy but great!


“This is my beautiful motherland. This is where I grew up. In this vast land, there are beautiful scenery everywhere...”my motherland, I am filled with simple feelings, filled with deep love, to wish my dear motherland more prosperous and bright.



While praising China’s resplendence, we, the successors of socialism in the future, should also develop with China’s development and progress with China’s progress. If you lag behind, you will be beaten. If you stand still, if you dont work hard, you will fall behind in the world. “Young strong then country strong, young rich then country rich, the young develop strongly on the earth then the country gain power around the world.”. Now we, the flowers of the motherland, should also inherit the fine traditions of the motherland, carry forward the advanced culture of the motherland, carry forward the spirit of hard struggle, study hard to facilitate the development of the motherland.




我和我的祖国Me and My Country

2018级4班 李泽峰 / 指导教师 姜莉

Li Zefeng from class 4 senior 3/ the Instructor--- Jiang Li



Wander in the history of the river, placed in the land of China. The snow of the north desert brings greetings of the south wind. I am keen on the earth under my feet, I praise the motherland in my heart.


Looking at the vicissitudes of the universe, see floating clouds with the rising sun, thousands of years of civilization from here; Countless Sob stories, staged in this land. Through the dynasties to go back and forth like a lantern, also has never changed her broad and distant. She had the glory of the Han and Tang dynasties, but also had the modern shame. The cannon of the Western colonizers opened the massive gates of China, the isolationism, so vulnerable to the roar of the cannon. The Opium War marked the beginning of China’s modern humiliation, and unequal treaty after decade of misery followed. The First Sino-Japanese War, the Opium War and so on, have made China a laughing stock of the “Sick man of Asia”. You are one of the Cradles of civilization. The glory of the past, a moment has passed, the former China has been reduced to such a situation.


From the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 to the Patriotic Movement of the May 4th Movement, to the unification of the Kuomintang, it was hope, but it was not the hope that people really needed. With the Communist Party, people in the long night, no longer feel lost, no longer alone. Under the leadership of the party, people went to the front line of building a prosperous and strong China, worked selflessly and even sacrificed themselves, and China began to change its destiny from then on, breaking the cocoon to become a butterfly and going upstream against the current, the birth of the New China on the world stage is so much attention-getting, eye-catching. For the New China, writers sing her rich and powerful, poets sing her beautiful, but I praise her great!


I praise. I praise the Chinese education. Once upon a time, reading was like something thats untouchable for some people.But thanks to the compulsory education and the state’s financial aid policy, the poor students have been able to complete their studies successfully, fulfilling their dream of going to school. The older generation can study in the universities for the elderly, major educational institutions and other platforms. With their own efforts, they have taken off the label of illiteracy and set off a nationwide upsurge of seeking knowledge and learning. Thus, it creates a situation in which a large number of talents emerge, it has improved people’s civilization level. With so many talents to build a new China, China’s tomorrow will be more brilliant, more beautiful!


I praise, praise Chinese science and technology. China is the owner of the Four Great Inventions. And in modern times, the Party leads people to work hard, to spare no effort, to work hard. “The road is long and its repair is far, my general goes up and down but searches”. It is people who are not afraid of hard work, explore the holy faith of the unknown road, only to overcome one after another of the technical difficulties, so that China has created one after another miracles. In recent years, China’s high-speed rail has gone global, exporting to many countries. From shenzhou-5 to Tiangong-2, China has set up space experiment stations and become a major country in the future exploration of the universe. With the launch of the Mozi, China’s strength in the quantum field can be seen. Dongfeng missiles and other weapons and equipment also enhances China’s national defense and counter-offensive capabilities.    Intercontinental Ballistic Missile 31A is an important guarantee for preventing war and maintaining world peace. I sincerely wish the motherland more and more good science and technology!


I praise. I praise Chinese agriculture. Many new varieties have been tried out in recent years through variety improvement, enriching the world’s crop bank. Yuan Longping’s super hybrid rice, grown in China, has been planted in many parts of the world, bringing good news to famine ridden regions. I praise China’s agriculture and wish it more and more vigorous development!


I praise. I praise China’s sports. Since winning the right to host the Olympic Games, China’s Olympic cause has shown a positive atmosphere, young Olympic athletes in the games in high spirits, won the Olympic titles, and created one after another miracles. With the development of the Olympic cause, people’s sports activities have also developed. People have time to exercise in their spare time to strengthen their bodies. I believe that in the near future, people will live longer and longer, China’s Olympic Cause, sports will develop better and better!


Today’s China is famous for the developing science and technology, agriculture, economy, sports around the world famous.There are so many merits can be praised. While counting the glories of China, we, the future successors of China, should also develop with China’s development, with China’s progress and progress. To lag behind is to be beaten, to be stagnate, to be slackest is to lag behind the world. “Young strong, then the country strong, young rich, then the country rich, young gain power on the earth, then the country gain power on the earth”. Today, as the hope for the future of our motherland and the seedlings under its protection should also inherit the culture of our motherland, carry forward the spirits of our motherland, carry forward the qualities of our motherland, work hard and study hard, and contribute to the development of our motherland in the future, it is our duty. The faith of Loyalty to serve our country such as unswerving firm.


Nowadays, under the leadership of the Communist Party, China is thriving. I believe that China’s future must be like the Sunrise in the East.

图片关键词 图片关键词

祖国,请听我说Motherland, please listen to me

2018级6班 赖妙然 / 指导教师 姜莉

By Lai Miaoran from class 6 senior 3/ instructor---Jiang Li


The Great State of Chinaprosperity wherever you see

The 70th anniversarythe stars are shining bright.





My motherland and I, can not be separated for a moment, no matter where I go, all out of a hymn...”Whenever this familiar melody rings in the ear, I can not help being excited. My warm blood cant stop surging. Seventy years of great changes, seventy years of rapid change, in the face of today’s China, turned into a sentence, that is: I Love You, China!


Motherland, I want to say to you! Years Long, looking back on the past, you let me hard to calm down, sigh unceasingly. Once you, strive through the vicissitudes, domestic and foreign troubles. You were once a market for the imperialists to dump opium. You were also a place which was carved up by the greedy and cruel powers of the western world. At the critical moment of life and death, countless people with lofty ideals stepped forward. Through the darkness of the misery Century, they sought the truth of saving the nation and the people, and explored the way to the success of the revolution. From the May Fourth Movement to The Jinggang Mountains Uprising, from the cruise ships in Nanhu to the gunfire in Nanchang, your revolutionary history is both a history of self-rescue and a history of exploration, with many heroes and martyrs emerging. Today, your thriving and prosperity are the condenses of sorrow and bitterness of fore-generations. After decades of suffering, after decades of struggle, how many compatriots bloody battlefield, wrapped in corpses. How many sons and daughters of the Chinese scarified, regardless of their own lives. And how many revolutionary martyrs were persecuted, died in prison. “The Chinese people have stood up from their Till the Clouds Roll By,”he said! At that moment, a loud voice broke through the clouds and pointed to the sky.



Motherland, I want to say to you! At the beginning of the republic, you were devastated and waiting to be rebuilt. Step by step, you come, leaving the world a strong figure! In those years when great powers were coveting and bandits were loitering, in those hard years when everything depended on supply, you simply gritted your teeth and broke through the blockades to step onto the world stage with a determination to win and a dauntless spirit. You have inherited the Revolutionary Spirit of Jinggang Mountains and the Long March and led the new-democratic revolution to success. You have created such heroic role models as Wang Jinxi, Jiao Yu Lu and Kong fansen, and you have led the socialist modernization drive to glory step by step. From the success of the first atomic bomb to the successful launch of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft today, you not only break the world’s nuclear monopoly myth, but also proved that the Chinese people self-reliance and indomitably will to win confidence. You keep creating one legend after another, catching the eyes of the nations and the world. You successfully joined the World Trade Organization, you bid and won the Olympic Games. World Forums and international conferences, big and small, you bring more and more attention to China.


Motherland, I want to say to you! Today, you are no longer weak, you can easily face a variety of challenges and difficulties. I admire your global vision and boldness. You have great ideas, you have a mission and a responsibility, and your role in international affairs has become increasingly important. You are no longer underrated, and your influence on great power diplomacy has changed. You used strategic thinking and wisdom to build a great Chinese dream, leading the Chinese people to rejuvenation, create brilliant!


Motherland, I want to say to you! I Love You, I love your vast land full of vitality, I love your ancient and splendid Chinese civilization, I love your numerous bests in the world, I love your atmosphere of mutual-help and friendship..


Motherland, I want to say to you! Today, you have entered a new era with great pride. You will face a more complex international environment and international situation, and face more new situations and new problems. But I have reason to believe that you are young, you walk steadily, and you can make tomorrow better, the Golden Age is even more unprecedented!


Motherland, I want to say to you! With you as our strong backing, we can certainly live a happier life. I am proud that I am a Chinese, proud! We will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism, reinvigorate the Chinese nation in the coming Centuries, and make due contributions to world peace and human progress!


Finally, I want to say loudly to you: I Love You, my dear motherland!



 By Yangliu Magzine




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版  |  师云锋

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核  |  杨夏飞 廖永华 何瑜

Audit  |  Yang Xiafei  Liao Yonghua   He Yu
